Bury Them Batteries!

At this and other locations, you can recycle batteries and those newer lightbulbs that cost a lot and aren't supposed to go out even though they do more frequently than we were led to believe.

At this and other locations, you can recycle batteries and those newer lightbulbs that cost a lot and aren’t supposed to go out even though they do more frequently than we were led to believe.

Some say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I happen to believe that it’s overflowing with items that we intend to recycle and/or donate but never get around to delivering.  Like many other environmentally oriented people, I have a shelf in my closet, just beneath clothes that I’ll never fit into again, filled with batteries and those newer spiral, fancy schmancy lightbulbs that aren’t supposed to go out even though they do more often than we were led to believe.  Rarely do I come across a haven for them.  Inevitably, my car and closet become their permanent address until I move and some unsuspecting friend throws them out, taking the step that my liberal guilt had prevented for so long.

In my sustainability challenge, I am on the prowl for walkable places in my neighborhood. Serendipitously, I found a store called Batteries Plus.  While it sells over-priced lighting and unconventional batteries, it also has a bin where these once-hoarded items can now live.  Who knew?


Bringing bulbs in for recycling to Batteries plus.

Bringing bulbs in for recycling to Batteries plus.

If you don’t happen to live north of campus with all the cool folks, then there are still options so that you don’t have to schlep all over Austin, wasting petrol when it’s still about three bucks and a quarter.  There are two location in South Austin — one on South Lamar North just south of Oltorf and the other one on Brodie Lane just north of San An-freakin-tonio.  Enjoy the decluttering!


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